TAA News
Posted: 5th March 2025
Dear Members,
Welcome to our 2024 newsletter where we try to keep you up to date with some of the events and changes that have occurred throughout the year.
Having worked tirelessly for over 30 years, our Chairman Gordon Angel & Treasurer Dave Oxley have decided to retire.
Our new Chairman is Lewis Illing & new Treasurer is Mike Edwards who are ideal replacements, we wish them well.
As always, it’s been another busy year with lots going on to maintain our fisheries with the help of a small number of volunteers. If you are one of our volunteers, we appreciate your help and would like to say a big thank you.
Some of these tasks have been fairly physical as in treating the Giant Hogweed at Croft and for the first time this year at Ingleby Barwick which took us by surprise.
This is now an ongoing yearly task, not something that we will defeat any time soon.
Having said that once we have treated the GH it leaves a void on the bankside which the Himalayan Balsam quickly fills. Again, this is something we are now looking at trying to control. The question is how?
We are aware that there are presently biological trials taking place all over the country in the hope that someday it can be eradicated.
Added to these works is the efforts put in with general maintenance to all our fisheries including peg clearing at Kilgram Bridge and Croft.
Stillwater Fisheries Report.
Ascott: - This year we have invested approximately £7,000 in further fish stocking along with the laying of a new footpath and building of 2 new pegs on the smaller top pond along with general maintenance removing Gorse and overgrowing trees etc.
You may have noticed that we are now applying black dye to help with weed control.
Gilling West: - Once again, we stocked with Rainbow Trout (fishing fly only Jan 1st – 31st March) which is proving increasingly popular. Added to this was a further stocking of Carp Total fish stocking approximately £4,000
This year we used a different black dye which didn’t prove as effective as the one used in 2023 so for 2025, we are reverting back to original, having said that the lake has had a really good colour to it these last few months.
River Reports:
This year all our rivers have suffered from regular floods especially throughout spring time when the fish are either spawning or returning back up rivers after spawning.
This had an adverse effect on catches across all our north eastern rivers with the usual big Dace shoals virtually non-existent. Let’s hope for better in 2025.
Following concerns raised by some members regarding the permissive Tuesday competitions held at Croft June – October, on how it interferes with the enjoyment of some of the majority who do not wish to partake in competition fishing.
This was reviewed at our October meeting and after discussion the conclusion was reached that as a committee, we should support both sides and these Tuesday competitions will now be held on alternate Tuesdays rather than every week.
Over the last 12 months we have been taking part in regular monitoring of river water quality as part of the Angling Trust initiative on the Ure – Swale & Tees
Thanks once again to our volunteers.
Annual Presentation Evening: - As mentioned in last years newsletter where we hoped for better attendances, this wasn’t forthcoming so sadly after 75 years 2024 was our last one.
River Tees Yorkshire Bank at Dalton Wood.
The court case continues, it turned out that four days was insufficient.
Time ran out and case is adjourned to resume at a date yet to be set but expected in March/ April.
Staying with this subject we can report that both of the retrospective planning applications were heard in committee on Thursday 14th November and both applications were refused.
Annual Subscriptions: -
With ever increasing costs of all things be they lake dye fish stocking or contractors etc.
The decision has been taken, that for the foreseeable future to automatically increase club fees by £2.00 per annum 2025 fees as below.
Subscriptions: Please renew promptly
Under age 13 TAA £0.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£6.00)
Age 13 – 18 TAA £12 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£18.00)
Ladies 18+ TAA £34.00 ATDAC £6.00 (£40.00)
Male 18 – 65 TAA £46.00 ATDAC £12 (£58.00)
Age 65+ TAA £34.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£40.00)
These ages are for the age you are on 1st January which is when subscriptions become due for renewal.
So, if you are aged 17 or 64 on the 1st January you renew at the under 18 or under 65 rate.
Payment by direct bank transfer.
Members that wish to pay by direct bank transfer can do so, but we can only take payment from ladies aged 18+ and males aged 18 – 65 that includes the ATDAC fee i.e. - £40 & £58
Juniors and age 65+ ATDAC fees are optional, so we can accept your payment with or without the ATDAC fee.
Account details: -
Thornaby Angling Association Sort Code 52-30-18 Account number 32558252
When paying this way please be certain to put your surname and house number as reference to be sure we send your new cards to the correct person.
Payment can also be made in person at the following tackle shops: -
Cleveland Angling Centre 22A Westbury St Thornaby TS17 6PG
Darlington Angling Centre 341 North Road Darlington DL1 3BL
As always, the tackle shops are not allowed to issue cards on anything other than a like for like basis. Therefore, if you have changed your address or status, (for example reached age 65+) you can only renew by post to Dave Oxley
Renewal in shops can ONLY be paid for by cheque or cash – no card payments
Renewal payments by post can still be made by sending to Dave Oxley
34 Bensham Road Darlington DL1 3DG please include a stamped addressed envelope along with last year’s cards.
To sign off it only remains to wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Tight Lines, Graham Jeavons
Posted: 24th June 2024
Our over 60s match is coming up soon, so we need a few swims being made a bit more 'weed free' and accessible.
So with that in mind we are looking for some volunteers to help with a bit of raking/ cutting out on
Saturday 29th June.
Meet at 10am, at the pond car park.
Posted: 29th March 2024
This is a very nasty & dangerous Non Native Species that spreads like wildfire particularly along riverbanks, for anybody that hasn’t
come into contact with it or doesn’t know much about it we would suggest you do a quick google search. It is scary stuff and contact
with it or its sap needs to be avoided at all costs.
Some of our members will remember all too well that a few years ago our stretch of river at Croft became infested with the stuff, it was
like a forest growing over 6ft tall, it very quickly made huge areas inaccessible, you could hardly walk the path at the top of the embankments
never mind get near the river.
Not knowing any better, Initially we put out a call to members for work parties to assist in chopping the plants down, these work parties
were very well attended and helpers brought just about every implement you could think of that may do the job. Truth is it didn’t, although
for half a summer more of the riverbank was opened up until it simply re-grew and one or two of our more enthusiastic helpers did receive
some nasty burns in the process.
Cutting it down is dangerous to health and doesn’t work – if you do nothing we very quickly cannot access the fishing.
What we did do was get some of our members trained up and fully qualified to treat this plant chemically.
For the avoidance of any doubt this work is carried out under licence from the EA.
We now work in tandem with the Tees Rivers Trust who do a sterling job treating this INNS wherever they can, and just last year alone
they treated around 80 kilometres of river bank.
But they can’t do it all, they have neither the staff or funding, so we TAA do our own.
We have been working very hard over recent years to get on top of this and we ARE WINNING the battle, but only because we put many
hours into this twice a year in spring and early summer climbing up and down river banks spot treating every GH plant we can get to.
Each and every plant left alone will shed hundreds of seeds which blow in the wind or get carried and spread in the floods, although
we may feel we are winning the fight in truth it’s a fight that has no end in sight. We only need to stop treatment for a year and
we will be infested again.
So if you happen to come across anybody treating this monstrous plant be they TRT operatives or club volunteers why not stop and
say thank you because without them you would not be fishing our rivers.
Those of you that do volunteer or have volunteered in the past know just how physically tiring this job is, it is bloody hard
work. – the club wants you to know that we know this and are very grateful.
Currently we are for the first time treating the downstream section at Barwick Farm and will shortly be asking for volunteers
for the river around Croft.
Posted: 20th March 2024
Just a gentle reminder as it’s now 3 months since we sent the newsletter.
Saturday 13th April it is our annual prize presentation evening and buffet
at Croft WMC. The event still remains free of charge to all members wishing
to attend and you are also welcome to bring a guest (member or not), once
again free of charge. Although not essential it would be nice to be informed
of numbers by those wishing to attend, this will help us with planning and avoid
food wastage.
Croft WMC are renowned for both the quality and quantity of their buffets and
we are sure they will do us proud once again. You can inform us by simply
responding to this email.
We look forward to seeing everybody on the 13th.
Posted: 11th March 2024
Just to let you all know the annual cutting out party planned for the River Tees at Croft on March 17th has been rescheduled for
Saturday March 30th
As the Match Secretary is unavailable on the 17th please could you reply by email if you intend to attend. Email:
Meet at Croft 9.30 - 10am
Posted: 5th March 2024
Monday 11th March up to and including
Friday 15th March we have contractors on site doing maintenance works.
On Thursday morning 7th March there is to be a further stocking of Carp into both Cow Pasture Lake and Ascott Fishery, any members
wishing to attend and help out will be welcome to come along. Projected timing is around 9.30am for Gilling and from there to Ascott
anywhere between 10.30 to 11.30 these timings are best guess.
Posted: 14th February 2024
The club has received a request for assistance from the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust regarding the ponds at Bowesfield.
Should any club member see someone fishing the Bowesfield ponds, could they please report this to the Environment Agency incident hotline number:
0800 807 060.
It would also be helpful if any incident number provided could be e-mailed to:
dvandentoorn@teeswildlife.org and/or sent to mobile number
07713 985 446.
Please note that as the fishing on the ponds in question is not owned/leased by us, we do not expect you to challenge anyone seen fishing there.
Posted: 24th December 2023
Dear members
Welcome to the 2023 newsletter where we try to keep you up to date with some of the
events and changes that have occurred throughout the year.
We would like to start by stating how pleased we are with both Paul and Graham who
stepped into the breach as joint match secretaries last year.
They have done a terrific job although Graham will be reverting back to running our website
whilst Paul continues in the role of match secretary, we know those of you that fish our
competitions will continue to give him your full support.
Fisheries Report
Ascott: - The new platforms have been well received and used regularly from all accounts
this fishery is still not being heavily used but those that travel there seem to like it that way
and quite enjoy the peaceful surroundings and good fishing.
Although we haven’t had any official work parties here this year there is still lots of
maintenance that some of our members have been carrying out on your behalf. You may
have noticed the change in water colour from blue to black this is for weed control.
Gilling West: - The Trout fishing was exceptional and got better as the fish wised up. As
promised, we restocked early in the year with a good head of Carp with an average weight
of around 5lb. The fishery generally fished well until high summer where the low water level
seems to have affected fishing.
The good news here is that we treated the lake with a black dye and this perhaps coupled
with the extra Carp has given the water a nice colour and the weed growth hasn’t really been
a problem although for a while the algae was awful but eventually the barley straw worked.
River Reports: -
We don’t get an awful lot of feedback on our river fisheries except the Tees around Croft
which has once again fished really well, however what reports we have received from the
other rivers have generally been favorable both on the fly and bait fishing.
River Tees Yorkshire Bank at Dalton Wood: -
You may recall we mentioned in our last newsletter the ongoing dispute and court case
against the landowner here is still ongoing. We continue to work very hard on this committing
lots of time and effort not to mention expense.
We really hope that we have a conclusion to this saga in 2024.
Annual Presentation evening: -
This was held once again at Croft WMC in April, those that were in attendance enjoyed a
thoroughly good evening in good company and excellent food all provided for free.
Sadly, although marginally better than our inaugural year attendance was still disappointing
considering all the hard work that goes into this evening.
We are running this once again on Saturday 13th April 2024 hoping for better support.
A continued lack of support will ensure that 2024 will be the last prize presentation evening.
Subscriptions: Please renew promptly
Under age 13 TAA £0.00 ATDAC optional (£6.00)
As you may know we introduced this last year and are pleased to say we will be
continuing to help and support our local youngsters and members with young families.
Age 13 – 18 TAA £12 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£18.00)
Ladies 18+ TAA £32.00 ATDAC £6.00 (£38.00)
Male 18 – 65 TAA £44.00 ATDAC £12 (£56.00)
Age 65+ TAA £32.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£38.00)
These ages are for the age you are on 1st January which is when subscriptions become
due for renewal.
So, if you are aged 17 or 64 on the 1st January you renew at the under 18 or under 65
Payment by direct bank transfer.
Members that wish to pay by direct bank transfer can do so, but we can only take
payment from ladies aged 18+ and males aged 18 – 65 that includes the ATDAC fee i.e. -
£38 & £56
Juniors and age 65+ ATDAC fees are optional, so we can accept your payment with or
without the ATDAC fee.
Account details: -
Thornaby Angling Association Sort Code 52-30-18 Account number 32558252
When paying this way please be certain to put your surname and house number as
reference to be sure we send your new cards to the correct person.
Payment can also be made in person at the following tackle shops: -
Cleveland Angling Centre 22A Westbury St Thornaby TS17 6PG
Darlington Angling Centre 341 North Road Darlington DL1 3BL
Please note Anglers Choice will not be issuing 2024-year cards
As always, the tackle shops are not allowed to issue cards on anything other than a like
for like basis.
Therefore, if you have changed your address or status, (for example if transferring from
Junior to senior or reaching age 65+) you can only renew by post to the treasurer.
Renewal in shops can ONLY be paid for by cheque or cash – no card payments.
As always, the option to renew by post to our treasurer Dave Oxley still remains.
Please include a stamped addressed envelope along with last year’s cards.
To sign off it only remains to wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Tight Lines
Posted: 9th October 2023
Please note our AGM set for
Monday 6th November at Croft WMC is now set to start at
7.30pm (not 8.00pm)
As usual we are providing refreshments in the form of Pie & Peas supper along with a free drink.
In order to plan we need all members wishing to attend please email the club at
thornabyangling@outlook.com and book
your place (the more the merrier).
Posted: 15th July 2023
Dear Members
Just to let you know over the next couple of weeks there will be a couple of elderly members (regular volunteers) working to clear a pathway around the loop at Sockburn to improve access.
They need some help.
On Friday 28th July we are holding a work party to clear access to pegs both downstream from Girsby Bridge and upstream from West Wood. Meet at Sockburn 9.00am parking on the grass verge as per your books,.
Dress sensibly Giant Hogweed takes no prisoners and bring what equipment you can, it is very overgrown.
The work party will be ran by Graham Ellison & Paul Stainsby, as required the farmer has been pre informed of our work party.
Not strictly necessary but it would be appreciated if those attending inform the club beforehand by email to thornabyangling@outlook.com
Posted: 17th June 2023
Please be advised that the access route down the lane from the George Hotel car park will be closed for perhaps several weeks from
Monday 19th June. This is due to required removal of dangerous tree/ rees, the time scale is because several processes need to be completed.
Meanwhile the alternative route to access this area is down the tarmac lane (on the bend next to car park) to Holme Farm, use only the
official ATDAC car park and please don't forget to display parking permit.
Posted: 09th May 2023
(all sweeps money is paid out on the day)
For security reasons we have refrained from posting Paul’s phone number, if you don’t already have his number email the club and we will send it to you.
Posted: 05th April 2023
Everything these days is down to data. How do you get the data and what do you do with it.
The Environment Agency do some monitoring of water quality on rivers but they do not have the resource or budget to do it properly.
In May 2022 the Angling Trust launched the WQMN.
The idea behind it was to get a network of monitors throughout the country.
With a consistent and accurate series of measurements they can see how pollution is affecting rivers and what sort of pollution.
These measurements need to be taken at the same place each month for 2 years. A note of water conditions and weather are also taken. The data is downloaded onto a phone app and gathered together then analysed, to see for example, what happens after heavy rain, floods, sewage leaks etc. If we do it at Croft for example and another club does it further upstream and they have different results the question could be asked what's happening between those two measurements to cause the problem.
If enough clubs sign up this will give a national picture and hopefully the results will force the relevant authorities to take action on pollution.
We have several stretches of river. Croft, Ingleby, Kilgram, Catterick, Grinton and Leven.
Before we as a club sign up to this we need to have volunteers to take these measurements. As I have already said this would mean taking measurements at the same place at the same time every month for 2 years. A CONSIDERABLE COMMITMENT.
The EA or the Angling Trust do not fund these testing kits, it is at the angling clubs expense.
What we don't want to do is to buy the kits only for the volunteer(s) to drop out after a couple of months.
If you are interested in taking part in this monitoring network can you please forward your details on the clubs email, thornabyangling@outlook.com
. If we get the volunteers we will have a discussion at the June club meeting as to whether we will authorise the cost and proceed with signing up to the scheme.
Posted: 05th April 2023
This is simply a reminder as notified in our annual newsletter
TAA prize presentation evening & free buffet is scheduled for Saturday 15th April at Croft WMC 7.30pm.
The event is free to attend for all members and all members are allowed to bring a guest also free of charge.
At the moment we are set to cater for 50 people, however, this is purely a guestimate and whilst you don’t have to prebook or register it would be most helpful if you could email the club to let us know who is coming.
We do not want to under order with the buffet.
It promises to be an evening of friendly socialising for members and their guests not only enjoying the prize presentations but also making the most of an excellent free buffet and very good bar prices.
Email: thornabyangling@outlook.com
Posted: 22nd February 2023
As you are probably aware, we as a club have been treating (spraying ) the Giant Hogweed along our stretch of the river bank from Croft road bridge down to Blind Lane Hurworth since 2015.
When we started back in 2015 almost this whole length of river bank was a solid forest of this dangerous plant.
Since this time we have made a huge difference along the whole length, the giant hogweed is now under control although we can’t eradicate it and the only way to avoid going back to how it was is to continue our efforts in treating it.
This is where you can help. Over time our regular volunteers have acquired stiff bones and aching muscles, all the things that go with growing older. We desperately need new blood.
Can you help? Are you reasonably able bodied? Are you available to attend during the week (we don’t do weekends)?
Generally we would meet around 9 – 10am spend perhaps 4 hours climbing up and down the river banks before retiring to Croft Club for rest and recuperation.
All equipment and training is provided.
Please respond by email to thornaby angling @outlook.com
Posted: 10th February 2023
We have recently been receiving reports of people poaching on our waters at both Gilling & Croft, Please read the Angling Trust guide for reporting offences to the police.
In the first instance unless you feel it unsafe you should approach them politely to ask if they are members and if so to produce their cards. If they are not carrying their TAA cards request they leave immediately.
If they refuse to leave or are threatening then call the police. Please no heroics.
A Guide for Anglers Reporting Offences to the Police
2022 Newsletter
Posted: 21st December 2022
Dear Members,
Welcome to our 2022 newsletter where we try to keep you up to date with some of the events and changes that have occurred throughout the year.
Without a doubt the most important and saddest news of the year was the loss of our dear friend and match secretary Bob Trees, who passed away after a short illness. Bob had been our match secretary since 1993 and was much loved by all who knew him.
Stepping into the breach as our new match secretary we have a joint effort and are very pleased to welcome Graham Ellison & Paul Stainsby who now hold the title jointly. We know that those of you who match fish will offer them full assistance whilst they find their feet.
Stepping down this year due to ill health and after many years’ service is our Membership Secretary Chris Burgum. We sincerely thank Chris for his help and commitment over the years, he epitomises what being a good club man is all about.
Our new Membership Secretary is Nigel Leighton, Nigel is a very capable person who we feel will be a real asset to us and a great first point of contact for prospective new members.
Most of you and especially those of you for whom we hold email contact details (this is so helpful)
will be aware of a major issue we have with the landowner at Dalton Batts Wood.
For any that don’t know, this location is most of the Yorkshire bank opposite Croft On Tees.
This has consumed more time and effort than you could ever imagine and involves our own solicitors, Fish Legal, the EA and Richmond District Council.
The matter is still ongoing and we have issued proceeding in the county court, hopefully it may be resolved in 2023.
On the brighter cheerier side of things we do have some very good things to report.
Ascott Fishery
As well as holding some very productive work parties here we have fully re laid the full length of our access track – cleared and re laid the car park too – no more slipping and sliding to drive out when its wet. We also have advanced plans to have built more bigger and better platforms from which to fish.
This work may even have been carried out before you get to read this newsletter.
Cow Pasture Lake at Gilling West
Whilst the stocking of cormorant proof trout went well with many rods enjoying some excellent sport the dreaded weed problem came back with a vengeance, aided by a very bright and dry summer. It made fishing difficult to say the least although we did do our best to rake out what we could.
The job was simply too big for us wrinklies to handle and we called in contractors who worked solidly over five days. In total we estimate that some 15 – 20 tons was removed and taken away.
Moving forward the decision has been made to stock with many more Carp in the hope that they will help to colour the water and slow weed growth. This is a problem being mirrored across the country
Due in part to the withdrawal of all chemical treatments and the abundance and proliferation of non- native species.
We are currently looking to buy our own petrol driven winch with a capstan which would remove the pulling by hand part of rakes and we could also then use a much bigger rake.
Due to the high cost of these from new we are looking for a good second hand one. Can anybody help us find one? Please email thornabyangling@outlook.com
From the reports received our rivers are continuing to fish exceptionally well with our very own river Tees leading the way. It must be right up there amongst the best rivers in the country and probably very closely followed by The Swale and the Ure.
One thing is for certain our river fisheries are definitely set amidst some of the most stunning locations in the world. Let’s enjoy.
Worthy of mention is that this season there has been a series of informal Tuesday competitions held at Croft, starting in June and ending at the end of October. Entry numbers are fairly low with between 6 – 12 participants. They have fished very well each week and it is agreed to continue this forward in 2023.
For any member wishing to take part - Meet in CWM car park at 8.30am cost is £5.00 all in and all is paid out.
It seems that at some point in the dim and distant past mention of our annual Trout Cup has fallen off the radar as far as our rules book is concerned. It now receives no mention.
This is something we have only realised because recently every year it has been awarded to a trout caught in competition. We will be issuing a addendum slip with year cards, meanwhile this is how it works:-
The Trout Cup is an annual award to any member that catches the heaviest Brown Trout caught on any of our TAA waters. It must be weighed and witnessed. All you have to do to lodge your entry is to email details of your catch along with verification by email to thornabyangling@outlook.com
The cup itself is awarded at our annual presentation evening.
As you should know, this year changed from our usual Dinner Dance evening to a buffet and Presentation held at Croft WMC.
We are pleased to report that the club did us proud, providing excellent facilities & a buffet they could be proud of.
Disappointingly not too many of you actually attended, although those that did enjoyed the food and the Craik.
It was pointed out that perhaps we should hold our event when the nights are lighter and the weather hopefully a bit better. So with that in mind we are holding our event on the evening of :-
Saturday 15th April 2023
It is completely free to attend and a member is welcome to bring a guest.
Although not a requirement it would be good if you could inform us if you are attending to assist with catering requirements.
Although as usual a good deal of guesswork will likely be applied.
We now have our very own Facebook page which many of you are now aware of and using, as well as our website it is a very good source of up to the minute information and our thanks go to those that administer it on our behalf.
Despite spending and committing over £35k on improvements to both Ascott and Cow Pasture Lakes we have decided against asking our members to pay increased subscriptions for this year at least.
So yearly fees are not increasing, please support our decision by renewing your membership promptly.
Under age 13 TAA £0.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£6.00)
Please note this a new category to help support our local youngsters and members with
young families.
Age 13 – 18 TAA £12 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£18.00)
Ladies 18+ TAA £30.00 ATDAC £6.00 (£36.00)
Male 18 – 65 TAA £42.00 ATDAC £12 (£54.00)
Age 65+ TAA £30.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£36.00)
These ages are for the age you are on 1st January which is when subscriptions become due for renewal.
So if you are aged 17 or 64 on the 1st January you renew at the under 18 or under 65 rate.
Payment by direct bank transfer.
Members that wish to pay by direct bank transfer can do so, but we can only take payment from ladies aged 18+ and males aged 18 – 65 that includes the ATDAC fee i.e. - £36 & £54
Juniors and age 65+ ATDAC fees are optional, so we can accept your payment with or without the ATDAC fee.
Account details:-
Thornaby Angling Association Sort Code 52-30-18 Account number 32558252
When paying this way please be certain to put your surname and house number as reference to be sure we send your new cards to the correct person.
Payment can also be made in person at the tackle shops as listed in your rule book.
As always the tackle shops are not allowed to issue cards on anything other than a like for like basis.
Therefore, if you have changed your address or status, ( for example reached age 65+ ) you can only renew by post to the treasurer.
Renewal in shops can ONLY be paid for by cheque or cash – no card payments.
As always the option to renew by post to our treasurer Dave Oxley still remains.
Please include a stamped addressed envelope along with last year’s cards.
To sign off it only remains to wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Tight Lines
Graham Jeavons
Posted: 7th December 2022
The contractors have finished installing our new platforms and the fishery is open again. In total 13 new platforms
have been installed, 12 on the main pond and 1 on the middle pond.
The new platforms are 2 metres wide x 1.5 metres deep with a kickboard on the front of each one. Made from marine quality
decking they should last for years without any need for future maintenance.
Click on an image below to view a larger version.
Christmas Cheers Entries - Get Your Name Down!
Posted: 26th November 2022
Just a quick reminder for members who have qualifed for and are inteding to fish the Christmas Cheers that
your name must be down in one of the tackle shops by 30th November.
Posted: 16th November 2022
Dear Members
Please note that Ascott Fishery will be closed for the week commencing 28th November whilst contractors install our super new platforms.
These platforms are 2m x 1.5m so very spacious and built from materials made to stand the test of time, we are sure they will be well received.
Photo’s will be posted in due course.
Please note that dates are dependent on weather.
Posted: 12th August 2022
Dear members
Just to inform you that we have contractors on site at Gilling on 16th 17th & 18th August (next week).
The aim is with their help to clear as much of this weed from the lake as we can.
Back in 2016 the same contractors assisted us and removed most of the weed from Ascott mail lake which was in the same situation.
The method of operation involves a large approx. 6ft rake and a rather handy winch.
Anybody that wants to pop down and take a look or better still muck in with pulling the weed back from the waters edge is most welcome.
Once removed the weed will be allowed to dry for a couple of weeks before being taken from site.
Posted: 2nd August 2022
Dear members
Following our meeting last night (1st August) we are pleased to inform you that competition fishing is set to resume.
Our thanks go to Graham Ellison & Paul Stainsby for stepping up on a short term basis to allow us to complete the 2022 calendar.
Our next competition will be the D. Firth Memorial to be fished at Croft on the 28th August.
After which we hope to continue through and fulfil the calendar.
The following conditions apply.
1. Entries (names only) can be made via Anglers Choice in Middlesbrough – Cleveland Angling Centre & Darlington Angling Centre.
2. Entries must be lodged at the tackle shops by no later than 5.00pm on the Friday preceding the competition.
3. Late entries or entries on the day will not be accepted. There will be no exceptions.
4. All payments to be made on the day prior to the draw – no entry fees to be paid in the tackle shops.
We would be grateful if any interested parties would make themselves known.
Posted: 30th July 2022
Dear members
It is with great sadness and sorrow that we have to inform you that on Thursday 28th July our Match Secretary Bob Trees passed away.
Bob was a member of TAA for over 50 years the last 29 of which he filled the role of Match Secretary.
He expertly carried out this role with much enthusiasm and enjoyment to provide us all with the best fishing he could, happy to chat and impart his considerable knowledge to help ensure we all enjoyed our day.
A real friend and colleague who always smiled and joked with never a bad word to anybody. A gentleman to the end , he will be remembered fondly and sadly missed.
Posted: 26th July 2022
Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances the following competitions are cancelled – they will not take place.
7th August – Lol Bulmer Memorial at Sockburn
14th August – Alexander Cup (delegates competition) Croft
21st August – J. Stubbs Memorial at Lower Tees
Please note – DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RING MR B TREES (match secretary)
Further information will be given when available, possibly after the club meeting on Monday 1st August
Posted: 7th July 2022
On Monday 4th July we held a work party to clear some of the weed at Cow Pasture Lake, (this year seems particularly bad for it).
We had an attendance of 14 which we think was brilliant and some seriously hard graft was put in. There are now at least a dozen pegs that are clear of weed and just waiting to be fished.
Our thanks go to:-
John Burgess – Clive Cloke – Ken Close – Bob Easby – Peter Fletcher – Roger Lombard - Dave Oxley – Phil Sears – Barry Stephenson – Phil Tanner – Graham Todd – Bob Trees – Dave Waites & Mike Watson
Posted: 20th May 2022
The resurfacing work at Ascott Ponds has been completed a couple of days earlier than expected and is open again from Saturday 21st May.
The contractors have asked us to drive slowly when on the new surface until it has bedded in - please can all members respect this request.
Posted: 10th May 2022
Please be advised that Ascott Ponds will be closed week commencing Monday 16th May for at least a week due to the access road and car park
resurfacing work.
We will let you know once the work has been completed and the fishery is open again.
WORK PARTY CANCELLED - Gilling West 9th April
Posted: 4th April 2022
Dear member please note that the work party planned for Gilling West on Saturday 9th April is cancelled.
The ground conditions are very wet and with more rain forecast during the week ahead we will not be able to achieve our aims.
Better to cancel than waste everybodys time.
2021 Newsletter
Posted: 8th January 2022
Dear member, well that’s another year gone by and it hasn’t been one we would want to go through again, but in spite of the various lock downs and setbacks we are still doing our best to plough on in a merry fashion.
This year when you renew your subscriptions you will be provided with a brand-new rule book and separate book of maps – many rules have now changed and you really do need to read the book to be familiar with said new rules.
Last year for the first time we trialled accepting some subscription payments by direct bank transfer. We had no idea what pitfalls we may find or how you the membership would react.
We have to say it was a reasonably good response and we are pleased to announce that this will be continued forward and expanded slightly to allow more members to partake, more on that later.
Our other trial event was the stocking of trout in Cow Pasture Lake, it wouldn’t be right to say this was a raging success but at the same time it was far from a failure. It was our first year on a suck it and see sort of basis and we did receive several encouraging written responses from anglers that gave it a go.
So, we are pleased to announce that this will be continued with a slightly bigger stamp of fish.
Sadly, this last year has been the nail in the coffin for our annual Dinner Dance – Presentation evening, this was obviously cancelled last year. The Swan Hotel unfortunately had to close and there was insufficient support from members to merit finding an alternative suitable venue.
Therefore, we no longer have a annual dinner dance. What we will now have is a presentation of cups and prizes to be held at Croft WMC on Saturday evening
12th February. Drink prices are very reasonable and an excellent buffet will be provided, this is open to all our members and a guest free of charge.
Work Parties
We have now reinstated the work parties page on our website with a list of dates and venues where you may partake. By request these dates now include some weekend days as well as midweek. These dates are not the final word, there may be more added as we go along.
We may also from time to time send out short notice emails to members requesting assistance when a quick response is needed.
Volunteering days are undoubtedly sociable events where we get a chance to meet new friends and spend a few pleasant hours whilst doing some very valuable maintenance jobs.
There has been no increase in subscriptions since 2017 and that was an increase of just £1.00. With changing demographics resulting in an ever-increasing percentage of our membership being in the senior citizen category the time is right to try and catch up a little with rising costs and cover future spending.
Therefore, membership costs are increasing slightly to the following rates: -
Under age 13 TAA £0.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£6.00)
Please note this a brand-new category to help support our local youngsters and members with young families.
Age 13 – 18 TAA £12 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£18.00)
Ladies 18+ TAA £30.00 ATDAC £6.00 (£36.00)
Male 18 – 65 TAA £42.00 ATDAC £12 (£54.00)
Age 65+ TAA £30.00 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£36.00)
These ages are for the age you are on 1st January which is when subscriptions become due for renewal.
so if you are aged 17 or 64 on the 1st January you renew at the under 18 or under 65 rate.
Payment by direct bank transfer.
Members that wish to pay by direct bank transfer can do so, but we can only take payment from ladies aged 18+ and males aged 18 – 65 that includes the ATDAC fees ie - £36 & £54
Juniors and age 65+ (ATDAC fees are optional), so we can accept your payment with or without the ATDAC fee.
T.A.A. Account details: -
Thornaby Angling Association Sort Code 52-30-18 Account number 32558252
When paying this way please be certain to put your surname and house number as reference to be sure we send your new cards to the correct person.
Payment can also be made in person at the tackle shops as listed in your new rule book.
As always, the tackle shops are not allowed to issue cards on anything other than a like for like basis.
Therefore, if you have changed your address or status, (for example reached age 65+) you can only renew by post to the treasurer.
Renewal in shops can ONLY be paid for by cheque or cash – no card payments.
We hope to have your new 2022 rule books and year cards available to purchase before the end of December.
Finally, I would like to finish off by wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and an even better New Year.
Best Regards
Graham Jeavons
Secretary T.A.A
Posted: 20th November 2021
As many of you will know, due to such a dry summer the water table in our region has dropped significantly.
This has had a big impact on Cow Pasture Lake where the level has dropped by around 2ft and this helped to cause a huge increase In weed growth
rendering the lake almost unfishable.
Left alone and allowed to die off naturally over the winter this would only make matters worse next year.
Over the past month we have been working hard to manually remove as much of the weed from the lake as possible.
On Saturday / Sunday 13th & 14th November this work was bolstered when we held work parties to assist us.
These were well attended with 14 volunteers on the Saturday and 7 volunteers on the Sunday (a couple of which had also attended the Saturday).
We have made a massive difference, most of the lake is now open again with only the far end still to clear although we still have to remove some
floating weed and shift the heaps away from the lake.
As a club we are hugely grateful to all our helpers most of which were well past retirement age and all worked darned hard.
Posted: 20th November 2021
From 1st January 2022.
To support our members and encourage future generations all juniors under the age of thirteen can join our club and fish for free.
This applies to our existing juniors also. Membership must still be renewed annually in the usual fashion except it costs nothing.
All juniors under the age of fourteen must be accompanied by an adult. Unfortunately this offer doesn’t extend to the ATDAC waters.
Membership of ATDAC for juniors that want it will still cost a very reasonable £6 per annum.
Posted: 2nd May 2021
In the very near future the access track at our fishery is due to receive it’s top coat of TARMAC this is likely to take three days .
For the duration of this work our usual access will be closed.
If you arrive to fish and find work in progress we have agreed alternative access with Mill Farm via Waters Lane.
Drive up waters Lane, go through the farm houses and park off the track on the grass near the bridge.
Do not take your vehicle over the bridge, tarmac is being laid from the Hartforth Lane access right through to the farm.
This alternative route can only be used for the days when work is in progress.
At the moment the dates we have are for the 5th – 6th & 7th May but this is dependent on good weather conditions
Lower Tees Match Calendar Change
Posted: 14th April 2021
Due to the pandemic the Northern Rivers Masters Final will now be fished on Friday 16th & Saturday 17th July.
Only 50 pegs will be reserved on each day, notices informing us of peg numbers in use should be posted on the bank side.
Posted: 6th March 2021
Since early January we (a small group of 4) have been working hard to locate and remove the fish havens from Cow Pasture Lake.
Having been in there for 15 years they were in poor condition and probably no longer affording the desired protection for our fish stocks.
These have now been replaced with our new improved version which we hope will be more fish friendly.
We have installed in groups a total of 28 cages and these will be easily visible to all as they are marked by orange floats which are actually ball cocks used in toilet cisterns.
This programme was completed just in time for a major fish stocking which took place on Sunday 28th February and comprised of:-
1000 Roach – 2000 Skimmer Bream – 350lb of Mirror Carp averaging 1 – 1.5lb
On the same day we also stocked the middle and top ponds at Ascott with more Roach & Tench.
We are now in the process of making spawning boards for the Roach in Cow Pasture Lake.
These will be installed shortly and we ask that members who see the floating planks leave them well alone.
It’s definitely worth taking a look at the website for the Avon Roach Project to see these boards in use, simply amazing.
Whilst on the subject of Cow Pasture Lake, we have commissioned the contractors that built our otter proof fences to alter what we have.
Along the whole far side about 230 metres in length we are building a new fence with a full size gate at each end. The new fence will be further back close to the far hedge, once completed the original fence will be removed making access and fishing along the back side so much easier.
We do not have a timescale for this, it is requested asap.
As you all probably know outdoor sports can recommence from March 29th.
This means we will pick up our match calendar with the Trout Matches –
Alex Butler on April 11th and fish the A W Newton on 18th April
Fingers crossed the calendar will continue as planned from there onwards.
Posted: 7th January 2021
The Govt has now agreed that fishing will be allowed as part of our once a day daily exercise.
There are obvious restrictions regarding travel etc, along with other common sense things that we should all be aware of.
We recommend that members read the latest covid 19 update on the AT website for full update.
We are also pleased to announce that the Trout will now be stocked into Cow Pasture lake and it will be open for fly fishing only from Tuesday 12th January.
Posted: 6th January 2021
Despite strong representation from Angling Trust the government have taken the decision that from midnight Tuesday 5th January angling is no longer permitted during this current lockdown.
We have been advised, and now have to inform you that all our waters are now officially closed until further notice.
This is across the board and includes both ATDAC & LTAA waters.
The trout that were to have been stocked into Cow Pasture Lake in time for January were delayed (again due to covid) and were re scheduled for delivery on 11th January.
Due to the lockdown this has now been cancelled and plans to stock trout this year have been abandoned.
With the sad closure of tackle shops subscription renewals will need to be sent to the treasurer or paid online in accordance with the information in your newsletter (see below).
2021 Newsletter.
Posted: 5th January 2021
Please note that whilst things have been difficult for us all this year we have done our best to continue club business in whatever ways we can.
We are still here keeping on top of and dealing with issues as they arise, although all organised work parties and club meetings were cancelled
along with our competition calendar.
As soon as we were able we have tried to regain some small sense of normality in that:-
we have managed to carry out quiet a lot of small scale maintenance work - hold some committee meetings and found ways to move things forward including the resumption of some fishing competitions which have needed to be organised and ran in a different manner to allow us all to stay safe.
Unfortunately the AGM as we know it also had to be cancelled as has our annual Dinner Dance & Presentation Evening, this would of been our 71st consecutive bash. A sad affair indeed.
And just recently, due to the lockdown we have now had to cancel our planned November competition & change our December (Christmas Cheer) competition back to a simple sweepstake. The uncertainty regarding facilities together with the impractability of shopping for prizes on a large scale at short notice left us having to make an early decision on this.
Still we are trying to stay positive. We have declared a full competition calendar for next year although we have slightly reduced the number of competitions we hold.
Also, if things go well with the virus we will during the course of the year try to make the arrangements for a Dinner Dance Presentation Evening for February 2022.
Hooray! I hear you call.
It would also be good to resume organised work parties, these work parties are actually quite good social events with a chance to make new friends or renew acquaintances.
Our website www.thornabyangling.co.uk will be updated to try and keep you all informed.
Within a year of Catterick Race Course kindly allowing us a parking facility for three cars we managed to put this in jeopardy.
We thought we had made it quite clear how the lock system worked. Obviously not.
Race Course staff had to cut our lock off to gain access to their car park, so not only did this cause us the inconvenience of having to visit to fit a new lock and make apologies,
it could easily of resulted in us losing this facility. So once again – The chain has a padlock at each end, (ours and theirs) it wraps around the gates and our lock fits and locks
through the asp of the other lock. Not through a link in the chain rendering the race course lock redundant. Our lock is the one with four digits.
Good News
A small glimmer of good news is that we have not suffered a decrease in membership numbers due to the pandemic. In fact the reverse has happened and for the second year in a row our membership has increased slightly.
Gilling West
The sale of Mill Lake and its car park back to the farm was duly completed and we now have a brand new car park just inside our site entrance.
This is now our only car park. Parking elsewhere especially just pulling off the road onto the grass is not allowed.
This year we are trialling stocking Trout into Cow Pasture Lake.
Fishing for these fish will be strictly fly only from 1st January until 31st March,
from 1st April until 30th November the lake will become a fly and coarse fishery.
For the period January 1st until 28th February inclusive, all Trout caught must be returned.
From the 1st March onwards one Trout per day may be kept.
If this is successful we hope to make this a permanent feature.
December will be closed NO fishing.
Due to extremely wet conditions early this year the netting and movement of our fish stocks from Mill Lake into Cow Pasture Lake did not happen. This is arranged for this December conditions permitting. We all hope to net lots of quality fish and hope we aren’t disappointed.
Subscriptions remain unchanged for our third year in succession.
You will also be pleased to hear that there are no increases to ATDAC fees either.
Unchanged subs are as follows.
Under 18 TAA £12 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£18)
Ladies 18+ TAA £27 ATDAC £6.00 (£33)
Male 18 – 65 TAA £40 ATDAC £12 (£52)
Age 66+ TAA £27 ATDAC optional £6.00 (£33)
As always the tackle shops are not allowed to issue cards on anything other than a like for like basis. Therefore if you have changed address or status (for example reached the age of 66)
You can only renew by post to the treasurer.
Renewal in shops can ONLY be paid for by cheque or cash – no card payments.
This is another trial to see how well it works
Members that wish to pay online can do so but we can only take payment that includes the ATDAC fee that would be either £52 - £33 or £18. You should put your Initial and surname + house number as reference. We have several Browns & Smiths etc..
Your new cards would then be posted to you; this may take a couple of weeks.
Same as the tackle shops any change in details – you can only renew by post to the treasurer.
Thornaby Angling Association Sort Code 52-30-18 Account No 32558252
If this works well we will continue forward and inform you of this in the next newsletter.
If enough members decide that they are happy and wish to renew online we may in future years consider using direct debit system. When we last enquired of the bank we were told that this could only be arranged if we had 200+ members wanting to pay by direct debit.
Finally I would like to finish off by wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and a better new year.
Graham Jeavons
Netting of Mill Lake
Posted: 7th December 2020
A huge thank you to everybody that turned out to help on Thursday 3rd December.
We had an attendance of 26 which was exceptional and really appreciated, it was unfortunate that due to covid 19 we had to decline many other volunteers.
It could of turned into the biggest work party we had ever held.

The whole lake was netted in three sections and this was followed by electro fishing to try and pick up a few more fish that may have evaded the nets.
The catch return was disappointing but not altogether unexpected considering the ongoing problems we had with this lake that just couldn’t be resolved.

Total caught on the day were a few Bream around the 5lb mark, some small Tench and quite a lot of small Perch along with a couple of small Chub and Roach.
Also caught were three Carp to around 12lb.
We had hoped this netting would of accounted for this years stocking into Cow Pasture Lake
As part of our four year programme. It definitely falls short of that.
Re stocking of Cow Pasture Lake will we hope resume in the new year.
Posted: 20th November 2020
Earlier this week we appealed for your help on 3rd December to net fish from Mill Lake Gilling West.
We have had a fantastic response in such a short space of time. Simply amazing.
In the current situation we now have all the volunteers we can safely accommodate and now close our request.
This response has far exceeded our hopes and we extend our sincere thanks to those that have volunteered along with those that were about to volunteer or were trying to arrange time off work to help out.
Posted: 8th November 2020
Posted: 28th September 2020
Despite the increased presence of COVID-19 we are currently still allowed to run our competitions in the safe manner that we have all conformed to and they continue to be well attended.
Hoping that nothing changes we are pleased to announce further dates as follows:-
OCTOBER 25TH - £5 all in
NOVEMBER 22ND - £5 all in
Entries to be received by 5pm Friday preceding the match.
Meet in Croft Club car park 8.30 – Draw made at 9.00am
ALL XMAS Cheer Entries to be received by 5pm Friday 27th November
Entry £10 to include sweeps, pay on day of match.
All entries to receive prize as usual for Xmas Cheer
The usual requirement to have fished three matches does not apply
Posted: 1st August 2020
After our first match since lock down went off rather well we have scheduled a further three as follows:-
The same rules apply
1. All entries to be received no later than Friday 5pm preceding the match.
By telephone to Bob Trees 01325 461774 or the tackle shops
2. Late entries will not be accepted
3. Cost remains at £5 all in – please bring the correct money
4. Meet at 8.30am – Draw at 9.00am
Posted: 21st July 2020
There has been a major erosion of the flood bank between pegs 69 and 70 on the ATDAC stretch at Over Dinsdale, which has caused the potential for you to fall into a 12-foot deep hole if you walk along the field edge from the downstream entry.
Until the farmer can get this repaired, which could be a few months, please exercise care in this area.
The best way to avoid the problem is a new path from peg 70 to 69 through the small wood, which Peter Fietsch and Rob Preston have kindly cleared.
Posted: 7th July 2020
Following the announcement by the Anglers Trust that match fishing can recommence TAA are prepared to offer a limited number of matches following the guidelines laid down by the Trust but may be subject to review depending on the Coronavirus outbreak
1.It is proposed to limit the number of matches, the dates of which will be decided by the match secretary. The tackle shops will be informed in advance and the dates will be also displayed on the TAA web site.
All matches will be held on the Croft to Hurworth stretch of the Tees.
All draws to take place whenever possible in the car park at Croft WMC meet 8.30am and draw at 9.00am.
2. A11 entries to be made directly either to the match organiser ( currently Bob Trees ) by phone
(01325 461774) or to the tackle shops no later than 5pm on the Friday before the match.
Entry for each to be paid directly to the match organiser on the morning of the match.
No entry fees to be paid at the tackle shops and no late entries will be accepted on the day of the match.
3. As this years presentation night looks very unlikely to take place and prizes are discouraged it is proposed that the fee for each match will be £5 and all entry fees will be paid out to the successful anglers and section winners. Please bring the correct money in order to minimise handling contact.
4. The draws will all be made by one person again to minimise handling contact and in accordance with Trust rules. Tickets will indicate which pegs need a set of scales and will be collected by the 'lucky' anglers at the time of the draw. Also on certain tickets will be the allocation of parking permits again collected at the time of draw.
The anglers when making their draw must form an orderly queue in accordance with social distancing guidelines and once their draw has been made return to an appropriate distance to await announcement of fishing times and local rules.
5. Keepnets are allowed as usual. At the weigh in the scale man must be responsible for weighing all the pegs indicated on his match ticket .Instructions on the weighing in procedure will be given to the scalemen immediately after the draw as been completed and are as follows.
The scale help wearing the disposable gloves provided, will bring each anglers catch / keepnet to the secured bin, load the fish into the bin and retire 2 metres away immediately. The scale man, again wearing gloves provided, will then weigh the fish and record the weight, then the scale help will return the fish safely to the river as soon as possible. At no point during weighing should an audience watch the weigh in.
6. At the end of the match and after weighing in all anglers should return to the car park whilst maintaining the social distancing. The match organiser will then as soon as possible announce the results and distribute the money to the successful anglers taking all the necessary sanitation precautions.
Further dates will be notified, it is hoped to run one competition per month.
TAA & ATDAC Waters to reopen Wednesday 13th May 2020
Posted: 12th May 2020
I hope you are all well and keeping safe in these challenging times and dealing with not being able to go fishing, the good news is we are now able to reopen all Thornaby Angling Association & ATDAC
waters for fishing on Wednesday 13th May. Please follow the below guidelines which are from the Angling Trust website.

Gilling West Fishery - This now has a combination lock on the entrance gate
to the fishery this is the same one as we have on the gate at Catterick please lock the gate
on entering & leaving the fishery.
Posted: 28th March 2020
Posted: 18th March 2020
Posted: 27th December 2019
Dear Members,
Welcome to our 2019 newsletter, please take time to read it, it contains some
With kind permission of the Race Course, we now have parking back on the racecourse car park where we used to park before, this is bottom left hand
corner near the pumping station. It is limited to three cars and access gate has two combination locks on it, ours is the four digit one and fits
between the chain and the asp of their own lock. Please make sure you lock the gate back in that fashion or we WILL lose this facility.
You should know the number it is printed on the front of your rule book & year card.
Croft Viaduct & Ascott Fishery
Theses now both have key operated padlocks, this is the same key that fits locks on ATDAC fisheries, please make sure you lock the gates behind you.
Mill Farm Fishery Gilling West
With the ongoing expansion and development of the wedding complex at Mill Farm which overlooks Mill Lake, and for many takes away the ambience from
what should be a pleasant day spent by the water. Our aims and ambitions for the fishery are at odds and incompatible with the aims of the wedding
venue which has now become an important employer and source of income for the area. This year has brought home to us the fact that just about everything
we need to do to maintain this lake which has increasing problems with nutrient enrichment, siltation and weed choking the life out of it clashes with
the interests of the venue. Due to the rapid growth of weed which we are no longer able to control it manually. After many years of trying It has become
very clear to us that there can be only one winner here and it isn’t TAA.
In fairness to the owners of the wedding venue they have many times offered to buy this lake back from us which we have always declined.
However, for the reasons stated above we have recently accepted their offer and expect that by the time this newsletter reaches you the sale will be complete.
It is intended to net Mill Lake in the near future and transfer the fish stocks into Cow Pasture Lake.
As part of the sale contract a new access road is to be built from Hartforth Lane and our Fishermans car park will be built near the container at the
top end of Cow Pasture Lake. Our original car park near the beck is included in the sale.
With the loss of Trout fishing in Mill Lake we are considering the future possibility of stocking Cow Pasture with Trout to be fished for on a similar
basis to that we have enjoyed on Mill lake. We would like to know the views of you our members on this for stocking in November 2020 for fishing from January 2021 ??
As always it has been another busy year, with a lot of things going on simultaneously. Involving issues such as fishery maintenance and club administration.
This is all encompassing and involves your club officials & committee along with a small group of helpers in putting in many hours unpaid work to maintain and
improve our fisheries. Some of the major tasks undertaken this year have been:-
River Tees treatment of Giant Hogweed, this will remain a major item along the whole length of the river for the foreseeable future.
Mill Farm Fishery. Obtaining planning permission then the building and installation of windmill powered aerators along with the re engineering of the
overflows and treating the profusion of docking plants etc alongside a huge effort trying to remove weed from Mill Lake.
Cow Pasture Lake at Gilling benefitted from more Bream & Roach whilst Mill Lake received it’s usual stock of Trout.
Ascott Ponds at Faceby received a major re stocking including Bream & Roach along with a large amount of Carp in the 5lb -10lb bracket.
Ascott Fishery Faceby, we have had several work parties here to continue the improvements to both the main and middle ponds cutting back and
burning unwanted trees and scrub. It’s a battle we are slowly winning but will again be forever ongoing. A huge thank you is due to a small group of people
(mostly retired) that have worked so hard on your behalf.
Website address :- www.thornabyangling.co.uk
We continue to update the website as best we can and try to keep you all informed
If you take a look we have re named the events page, it is now headed as Work Parties.
On there we have listed some dates for next year, this will probably be added to as we go.
As a member stated at a recent meeting – volunteering can be both fun, informative and very rewarding. Why not give it a try?
Our email address is :- thornabyangling@outlook.com
As a club your officials are getting extremely concerned about a general lack of interest from the membership in the running of your club.
Attendances at our monthly meetings is very very poor. Generally we have a maximum of nine committee men and four officials if we are lucky, and some of
these people are not on holiday or night shift which is often the case. When you take into account that most of your officials have been in place for well
over twenty years and are now considerably older than we were it is a worry. For a club with over 500 members we feel that this is extremely disappointing
and raises a fear for the clubs future. Please support your club and do your best to get involved perhaps by attending a meeting.
Annual Membership Subscriptions for 2020
Remain unchanged for the fourth consecutive year and are:-
Full membership 18 – 65 = £40 + ATDAC £12 = £52
Ladies 18 – 65 + £27 + ATDAC £6 = £33
Senior Citizens 65 and over £27 + ATDAC optional at £6 = £33 (or £27 just TAA)
Juniors to age 18 £12 + ATDAC optional £6 =£18 (or £12 just TAA)
Subscriptions can be paid via the tackle shops listed in your membership book
Last years cards need to be produced at renewal in the shops or renewal will be declined
Alternatively by post to the treasurer
D Oxley
34 Bensham Road
Darlington DL1 3DG
enclosing a stamped addressed envelope with payment made out to Thornaby AA
Tackle shops are not allowed to alter a members status from one age group to another or to change a members address. These changes can only be done by post to the treasurer.
Also The Tackle Box in Billingham is now closed so this is no longer an option.
We hope to have 2020 year cards available from the tackle shops this December so you can renew in time for Christmas
This is to be held once again at the Swan Hotel Billingham on Saturday 8th Feb.
Last years event proved to be one of the best in recent years and this year promises more of the same.
A lot of work goes into this once a year event please come along and have a great time with good food and music we can all dance to.
You don’t have to be a match fisherman or have prizes to pick up to come along and have a good time.
Ticket prices remain unchanged for the 5th successive year, please book early.

Apply for tickets to
Mr G Angel
12 Thorngate Wynd
Barnard Castle
DL12 8PZ
Enclose a stamped addressed envelope and make cheques payable to
Thornaby Angling Association
It only remains for me to wish you all a merry Christmas, Good Health & Tight Lines
On this our 150th anniversary
Graham Jeavons
Ascott Ponds Faceby.
Posted: 14th April 2019
Be advised that on or around Thursday 18th April a new lock will be installed at the top gate.
This will be a key operated lock the same as the one at Croft Viaduct and on some ATDAC fisheries, so if you already have a key that fits ATDAC / Croft then it will work here also.
If you don’t have a key, they can be bought for £2 from either of the Thornaby or Darlington Angling Centre Shops or by post from the treasurer D Oxley.
To help in countering poaching and possible fish theft we are also installing remote hidden cameras to record vehicles entering and leaving the car park.
Please make sure you lock the gate behind you, thank you.
Gilling West Aerator (Cow Pasture Lake).
Posted: 7th April 2019
We are pleased to announce that after much hard work obtaining planning
permission, followed by building then painting (three coats) we now have
our windmill aerator in position on Cow Pasture Lake at Gilling West.
This works on a bellows system pumping air through two stone diffusers to
help oxygenate the lake. We have positioned a stone diffuser halfway down
both sides of the island so please be wary of underwater pipe work in the
vicinity of the aerators along with underwater pipe work between pegs 13 -
14 across to the island point. We have done our best to sink the hose to the
bottom by attaching it to heavy scaffold poles but this is not infallible.

Many thanks got to our helpers not all of whom are in the picture.
A Avison - G Angel - R Angel - G Jeavons - R Morley - M Clitheroe - R Trees - K Morley - A Myers - D Oxley
Posted: 27th March 2019

Fish Stocking Gilling & Faceby (Ascott) Sat 23rd Feb 2019
Posted: 26th February 2019
The sun shone all day and we had a great turnout to assist with stocking some superb fish at both locations
A big thank you to all attendees, posing for group photos are:-
Gilling West
Stephen Lilley – Mick Clitheroe – Dave Oxley - Paul McCullagh – Bob Parkins – Bob Trees – Graham Jeavons – Mike Grace - Bob Henry – Adrian Horner – Stephen Peary – Peter Wright – Paul Stainsby
Faceby (Ascott)
Stephen Lilley – Mick Clitheroe – Dave Oxley -Norman Oliver – C Stamper – Bob Stamper – Bob Henry – Adrian Horner – Paul McCullagh – Paul Stainsby – Michael Granger – John Haycroft – Russ Willis –
Chas White – Bob Easby – Jim Granger – Ray Angel
Fish stocked at Gilling were Bream & Roach – Fish stocked at Ascott were Carp – Bream & Roach
Posted: 17th February 2019
Dear members we are carrying out a major restocking of fish next Saturday 23rd February at both Gilling West & Ascott pond (Faceby).
1st drop is at Gilling West Cow Pasture Lake at around 11.00am following straight on to Ascott with estimated arrival at around 1.00 – 1.30pm
Gilling drop consists of Bream & Roach whilst Ascott drop consists of Bream – Roach and a lot of good sized Carp to compliment the Tench & Crucian Carp given by the EA.
All offers of help would be much appreciated, if you are able to assist at either or both
venues please email thornabyangling@outlook.com or ring Dave Oxley on 01325 264530
Gilling West Mill Lake Trout Stocking Update
Posted: 31st January 2019
We had a lovely sunny freezing cold morning and had to break the ice which was quite thick before we
could begin to stock, we had Bob Trees in the boat & Mike Clitheroe in the water along with a handful
of willing helpers to do the carrying. Many thanks to those that came along.
Gilling West Mill Lake Trout Stocking
Posted: 23rd January 2019
The trout for Mill Lake Gilling West are being delivered on Wednesday 30th January
between 10.30 and 11.00am anybody who wishes to attend and lend a hand will be made welcome.
2018 Newsletter
7th January 2019
Welcome to our 2018 newsletter which we hope you find informative.
Once again it has been a busy year with quite a lot of work going on behind the scenes.
As well as all the usual administrative stuff your little band of enthusiastic committee men continue to do
their best to keep our club ticking along and the waters protected and accessible.
The fight against the deadly Giant Hogweed on the Tees around Croft took care of approximately 100 man hours
and resulted in a trip to casualty for Bob our match secretary with a badly dislocated shoulder after falling
rather heavily (we are all getting a bit older). Work to reclaim Faceby also continues unabated and takes care
of even more man hours. The main pond as well as being pretty well weed free now also benefits from a few new
platforms and work is ongoing to cut and clear unwanted brush and trees. We have recently benefited from some
free fish provided by the EA these include 500 Crucian Carp & 250 Tench, we know this is a small amount and
there is a major restocking planned for late February.
We are pleased to report that the otter proof fences continue to do their job having been installed in 2014 and
work continues to improve the facility. February will see a further stocking of Bream & Roach into Cow Pasture &
Mill Lake will again receive it’s stocking of Trout and reopen on 1st February for fly fishing only until 1st June.
At long last the work on Catterick Road Bridge is completed and our fishery is once again open, however, the race
course car park is presently closed and parking is difficult, you may be able to park at the Bridge Hotel which is
closed down. We hope to soon have a new car park and will try to keep you informed,
Please check our website for the latest news updates.
Your 2019 year cards will show on the reverse side the following rule changes.
1. In future years the annual General Meeting will be combined with the normal club meeting on the 1st Monday in November.
2. Rule 15B (new wording)
The retention of Carp in keepnets is not allowed except in club organized competitions.
The new lock has been fitted it is keyed alike with the same locks you find on some ATDAC fisheries, be advised the adjoining gate is now locked also so a key is required.
Plans to issue a celebratory calendar have been shelved due to lack of support.
Application to join forms can be downloaded directly from the website home page.
SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2019 Due 1st January
Subscriptions & joining fees have not increased neither have ATDAC fees
Annual Fees are:-
Full membership 18 – 65 = £40 + ATDAC £12 = £52
Ladies 18 – 65 + £27 + ATDAC £6 = £33
Senior Citizens 65 and over £27 + ATDAC optional at £6 = £33 (or £27 just TAA)
Juniors to age 18 £12 + ATDAC optional £6 =£18 (or £12 just TAA)
Subscriptions can be paid via the tackle shops listed in your membership book. Last year’s cards need to be produced at renewal in the tackle shops or renewal will be declined.
Alternatively by post to the treasurer D Oxley at 34 Bensham Road Darlington DL1 3DG enclosing a stamped addressed envelope with payment made out to Thornaby Angling Association.
ANY CHANGE IN STATUS OR ADDRESS for example from junior to senior or senior to senior citizen can only be renewed by post to the treasurer.
We hope to have 2019 year cards available from the tackle shops this December so you can renew in time for Christmas
This is to be held once again at the Swan Hotel Billingham on Saturday 9th Feb.
Last year’s event proved to be one of the best in recent years and this year promises more of the same.
A lot of work goes into this once a year event please come along and have a great time with good food and music we can all dance to.
You don’t have to be a match fisherman or have prizes to pick up to come along and have a good time.
Ticket prices remain unchanged for the 4th successive year, please book early.
Prices are:-
Adult 18 – 65 = £18
Over 65 = £15
Under 18 = £10
Apply for tickets to Mr G Angel 12 Thorngate Wynd Barnard Castle DL12 8PZ
Enclose a stamped addressed envelope and make cheques payable to
Thornaby Angling Association
Menu – Soup of the day – Beef & Turkey Carvery – Chocolate Fudge Cake
With tea or coffee
It only remains for me to wish you all a merry Christmas, Good Health & Tight Lines.
Graham Jeavons
Secretary T.A.A
21st November 2018
On Friday 16th November we were grateful to receive some free fish from the Environment Agency Fish Farm at Calverton.
We received 500 Crucian Carp together with 250 small Tench. These will be added to with a major restocking programme
scheduled for February 2019.
Tees Salmon Weekend (27th/28th October 2018)
22nd October 2018
"There are no salmon in the Tees".
We hear it all the time but if this is the case, how is it that we find juvenile fish in electrofishing surveys throughout the Tees system?
"I don’t bother with the Tees, I’m more likely to catch a fish in the Wear".
Maybe, but if you never fish it how will you know?
"I’ve never even been to the Tees."
Your loss – now is your chance to right that wrong!
The Tees Rivers Trust in association with Fly Fishing Yorkshire and with the generous support of Land Owners and Angling Clubs throughout the river is asking for YOUR help to come and put some serious effort into catching some salmon on the Tees. All we are asking for is your time, experience and enthusiasm. In return, you will be able to fish the river at no cost for an entire weekend.
We are supporting this as we believe that there are fish in the river but not enough effort going in to catch them. That said, as we all know salmon fishing is a fickle business and just because there will be many rods out over the weekend, it does not necessarily mean that catches will be numerous. However, we are not doing this to prove a point beyond the fact that the Tees is an incredible river and deserves more than the negative press it so often gets.
The Tees is currently a river at risk. Lack of rod catch data returned to the EA is contributing to this. A number of angling clubs along the river are also at risk and need their existing and prospective members to fish the river. The Tees Rivers Trust advocates catch and release of salmon on the Tees as it seems incredulous that anyone would be taking a salmon from a fishery that is just beginning to recover.
Businesses around the catchment are looking forward to welcoming visitors from near and far and there are some great places to stay or eat. This weekend is a great chance to come and rediscover or discover the river for the first time and all it has to offer. A list of local B&Bs and hotels will be made available on request and directions for parking and maps of beats provided ahead of the weekend.
By signing up to the weekend, you will commit/be able to:
• Possess and be able to produce if asked an EA Salmon/Sea Trout licence
• Aide by any and all club rules at any given beat
• Photograph all fish caught
• Safely return all fish caught
• Accurately fill in catch return
We anticipate that some beats will be more popular than others. In the interests of fairness all beats outside of members- only waters will be allocated randomly and not on a first come first serve basis.
See our events page for contact/enrolment details.
Faceby Update
28th September 2018
Work is continuing to reclaim Faceby from the wild, access down the track is
now in good condition, the gate has also been fixed and the main pond is at
last free of the dreaded weed HUGE HOORAY.
Work is now underway constructing the new platforms.
We still have no idea what fish stocks we have other than Rudd - Roach &
Perch. We have seen odd large fish moving but any feedback on catches will
be welcomed prior to deciding on stocking requirements.
We have a boat and the loan of a fish finder for a day or two would be much
appreciated, if you can help out with this please contact Dave Oxley or
Gordon Angel.
Catterick River Swale Update
9th April 2018
HURRAY! Although we haven’t heard anything from Highways England, it does seem that at last after four years Catterick Bridge road works appear to be completed.
With all machinery removed and traffic moving freely we assume our fishery is now once again available to members, although there is still some fencing across the stile beside the water gauging compound this is easily walked around.
NOT HURRAY. The bad news is that on Friday 6th April when checking the state of progress the Race Course Car Park was found to be locked and alternative parking is difficult to say the least.
At this point we do not know if this is a one off or the new state of affairs, needless to say we will ask the Race Course owners what the situation is and do our best to secure safe off road parking.
Update to all members regarding the ongoing work at Bishopton and Westgate ponds.
30th January 2018
As most members are aware, the ATDAC Committee have held meetings with the Environment Agency and a fisheries consultant (Dr. Andrew Worthington),
to try to identify the causes of the deterioration of the fishing at Westgate Pond and Bishopton Mill over the last couple of years and to put in
place an action plan to address the issues.
Despite regular stockings with a variety of species and sizes, the pattern at both ponds has been broadly similar. The first year after a stocking
the fishing has improved, particularly for the recently-stocked fish. The next year has seen a decline, and the following year is even worse. And
yet we are not seeing a significant level of fish mortality in terms of dead fish on the surface or the bottom.
Breeding success appears to be declining at both waters.
We know that both waters suffer from predation by cormorants and goosanders, and have tried various ways of minimising this. We have tried ropes at
Westgate (and received complaints from some members and had some of the ropes stolen), installed a scarecrow and other bird-scaring devices at Bishopton ,
and we have a licence to shoot a small number of predators at both ponds.
We have installed otter-proof fencing at both ponds, with evidence that it is working at Bishopton where there is plenty of evidence of otter activity
in the beck but none within the fence.
Based on those recent discussions, the ATDAC Committee have planned the following actions before undertaking any further restocking.
At both waters, we introduced a “catch returns” form to try to capture actual data (rather than just hearsay) regarding how often the waters are fished
and the size and quantity of each species caught. We appear to have had a good response from most of our members, and we are building a useful database
from this information.
Please continue to fill in the catch return form whenever you fish the waters, a “nothing caught” return is as useful as information on the number and
size of all fish caught.
Large leaf fall quantity each year, resulting in nutrients building up in the silt and water, leaves not rotting and low dissolved oxygen levels |
Reduce the number of trees around the pond. |
Nearly all trees on the bank of the pond and approximately 50% of the trees on the area outside the otter fence have been felled. |
Lack of water circulation around the pond |
Reduce the number of trees around the pond to allow better circulation of surface water by wind action.
Dig a connecting trench between the “car park bay” and the “Darlington” bay? – not recommended by Dr. Worthington |
Nearly all trees on the bank of the pond and approximately 50% of the trees on the area outside the otter fence have been
felled. Wave action is now much better
We have decided not to proceed with digging any trench at this stage. |
Organic matter and high nutrient levels in the sediment |
Treat with Microchalk at a rate of 1 tonne per acre in late October, with a follow-up treatment
in January/February if the previous dose has dissolved. |
2.5 tonnes of Microchalk were put into the pond on 5 November 2017. |
Excessive first-year weed growth after treatment with Microchalk |
Apply Swarm when water temperature exceeds 10°C, to reduce the nutrient level in the water column.
Apply Excalibar if filamentous algae develops. |
We will review this in the spring/summer of 2018. |
Ongoing growth of rooted weeds |
Potential to transfer carp from Bishopton Mill for a few years, subject to EA permission. |
No decision made at this stage.
ATDAC committee will review the policy of “self-sustaining silver fish fishery” on an ongoing basis. |
Low dissolved oxygen content in most of the pond. |
Instal water aeration equipment (Linn AquaWheel 0.55Kw plus genset)
Regularly monitor dissolved oxygen level using suitable test equipment, and deploy aeration equipment as necessary |
Because of the likelihood of theft of such equipment, we are experimenting with a smaller,
portable pump which can be removed from the fishery each day.
We have purchased a meter to measure the dissolved oxygen level and will be periodically monitoring the situation. |
Lack of ability to “flush water through” the pond after Microchalk treatments, to further reduce nutrient levels |
Nothing recommended but could we re-instate the water supply? |
On hold, until we see the impact of other actions. |
Shallow depth of the water, and a rapid accumulation of silt in some areas of the lake. |
None, except for sediment consolidation by Microchalk treatment. |
Organic matter and high nutrient levels in the sediment |
Treat with Microchalk at a rate of 1 tonne per acre in late October, with a follow-up
treatment in January/February if the previous dose has dissolved. |
3.5 tonnes of Microchalk were put into the pond on 8 November 2017. |
Excessive first-year weed growth after treatment with Microchalk |
Apply Swarm when water temperature exceeds 10°C, to reduce the nutrient level in the water column.
Apply Excalibar if filamentous algae develops. |
We will review this in the spring/summer of 2018 and 2019. However, an increased amount of suitable
weed is necessary to ensure good spawning success for the silver fish. |
Deterioration of the quality and quantity of roach and rudd. |
Remove aggressive bottom-feeding fish such as carp and barbel, as these are likely to have been a
significant factor in the reduced spawning success of roach, rudd and tench because of a lack of suitable weed growth. |
No decision made at this stage.
ATDAC committee will review the policy of “self-sustaining silver fish fishery” on an ongoing basis. |
Extremely high phosphorous level in the lake water.
The lake was originally filled from Stillington Beck, and has subsequently been “flushed through” several times
from there, it may be worth investigating the water quality in the beck. |
Report to Environment Agency, and request that they undertake water quality analysis.
Alternatively, contract a commercial company to do a water quality analysis for the beck. |
This has been reported to the Environment Agency, which has decided not to take any further action at this stage.
The ATDAC committee will review whether to undertake further water quality analysis. |
High phosphorous level in the water in the ditch. |
Report to Environment Agency, because the ditch could be considered the source of diffuse pollution
and is probably classed as in-line waterway as it ultimately connects to the River Tees. |
This has been reported to the Environment Agency, which has decided not to take any further action at this stage. |
Inability to “flush water through” the pond after Microchalk treatments |
Only “flush through” from the beck or ditch, when the nutrient level (particularly phosphorous) of
the flush through water is lower than in the lake. |
On hold, until we see the impact of other actions. |
12th December 2017
Welcome to our 2017 newsletter which we hope you find informative.
Firstly we would like to say a big thank you to one and all for your continued support; in particular
those that have given time and effort to help out throughout the year you are much needed and fully appreciated.
Those of you who have provided us with email addresses will be receiving this electronically along with any
information and updates which we have been sending out throughout the past year when things are going on that
you may find interesting or wish to help out with.
Any member wishing to receive information by email please send us your details
To thornabyangling@outlook.com
We hope that by the time you read this the A1 upgrade is completed and our water at Catterick is once
again open for fishing. It has been a long time closed, originally planned for three years closure has
extended to four with completion now scheduled for winter 2017.
Although compensation has been agreed we are as yet to see any money.
Rule books
are updated and reprinted this year, we have taken out some of the old irrelevant items and
rules that have become outdated, the new version is a couple of pages shorter.
As regards rule changes there is only one, this relates to Gilling Ponds.
The earliest permitted arrival time has been changed from 7.00am to sunrise.
Hopefully the early birds amongst us may benefit from fishing during what can be the most productive time of day.
Still, we recommend you read the new book to refresh memories.
In 2020 we CELBRATE 150 YEARS of existence and to mark the occasion we are running a competition which cost
nothing to enter and ALL MEMBERS can get involved with, whether or not you are still an active fisherman or lady.
We have all seen the COUNTRYFILE CALENDAR and we hope to emulate this with a calendar of our own being made ready for December 2019.
The intention is to use photographs taken on our Thornaby AA fisheries only, these can be landscape – wildlife or anything deemed interesting.
There will be one photograph selected for each month of the year, multiple entries are allowed and there will be a prize for those that make it through to print.
Every member will receive a calendar free of charge with further copies to go on sale, any monies raised would be given to local charities.
Photographs need to be taken by digital camera or phone and sent to competition HQ
thornabyangling@outlook.com include where and when taken along with your details.
We may also use some of the photo’s on our website.
Lock at Croft Viaduct
The combination lock on the gate at Croft was vandalised just in time for June 16th
Opening day, causing pandemonium amongst members trying to gain access. We fitted a new combination
lock without having time to get it welded onto the chain, surprisingly up to date of writing it is still
there without being stolen or vandalised, we are both amazed and chuffed to bits.
At some time in the near future this lock will be changed to a key lock specially manufactured to match with
the keys most of you already hold for ATDAC fisheries, for those that don’t already have an ATDAC key they cost £2.00
available from both Darlington & Cleveland Angling Centres - Yarm Club House and our treasurer D Oxley
Our website www.thornabyangling.co.uk is developing quite nicely and we try to keep members informed of what is
happening through our news and events pages as well as by sending emails.
There is lots of info on there including a competition calendar which Graham updates as regularly as time permits,
you can see who is catching what and from which pegs, even compare previous years results.
Application to join forms can be downloaded directly from the home page.
Once again our thanks go to Graham Ellison for managing our site.
SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2018 Due 1st January
Annual subscriptions for all but juniors have increased by the moderate amount of £1.00
With no change to either ATDAC subs or joining fees, amounts due as follows:-
Full membership 18 – 65 = £40 + ATDAC £12 = £52
Ladies 18 – 65 = £27 + ATDAC £6 = £33
Senior citizens 65 and over - £27 + ATDAC £6 optional = £33 (or £27 without ATDAC )
Juniors to age 18 - £12 + ATDAC £6 optional = £18 ( or £12 without ATDAC )
Subscriptions can be paid via the tackle shops listed in your membership book – last years card needs to be produced at renewal in the shop or renewal will be declined.
Alternatively by post to the treasurer D Oxley at 34 Bensham Road, Darlington, DL1 3DG enclosing a stamped addressed envelope with payment.
ANY CHANGE IN STATUS OR ADDRESS for example from junior to senior or senior to OAP can only be renewed by post to the treasurer.
Dinner Dance & Prize Presentation Evening
Again this is to be held at the Swan Hotel Billingham on Saturday 10th February.
This promises to be another great event and ticket prices remain unchanged for the third year running.
A lot of work goes into this once a year event please show your support, come along and have a great time with good food and music. You don’t have to be a match fisherman or have prizes to pick up to come along and have a good time.
Prices are:-
Adult 18 – 65 = £18
Over 65 = £15
Under 18 = £10
Apply for tickets to Mr G Angel, 12 Thorngate Wynde, Barnard Castle, DL12 8PZ.
Enclose a stamped addressed envelope, please make cheques payable to Thornaby Angling Assocoiation.
It only remains for me to wish you all a merry Christmas good health and tight lines.
Graham Jeavons
Secretary T.A.A
16th November 2017
The map detailing access to the River Tees at Ingleby Barwick in the club book is outdated
and the access route has been changing regularly. The map below shows the current access to the fishery.
This shoud remain as the route to the fishery for some time.

4th August 2017
Farmers & gamekeepers have reported continuing problems with poaching and theft of farm property.
Whilst we as fishermen enjoy the right to roam the river bank and cast a line, the sight of somebody
wandering around without fishing tackle isn’t allowed (our rights are to fish) and can sometimes set
alarm bells ringing.
The legality is that maintenance work including the trimming of trees and clearance of access paths should
be agreed with the farmer or landowner prior to any work being carried out. There are also potential implications
regarding insurance cover for members acting independently on unapproved maintenance.
Occasionally there have been reports of members on the river bank who don’t have fishing tackle but they
were believed to be in fact carrying out well intentioned maintenance work.
We do not want to discourage this, far from it, all help is much appreciated. However, this needs to be done
properly and the right people informed beforehand of your expected presence and activities.
Dick Sidgwick Tel 07870680953 and Paul Richmond Tel 07815818030 plan and carry out regular work on the river bank,
liaising with the farmers or landowners to ensure that we do not cause them any problems.
To preserve good relations we request anybody planning or wishing to help work on the river bank to please
speak to Dick or Paul beforehand.
All offers of help will be welcomed.
Gilling West Stocking (Mill Lake).
30th January 2017
Today we had another stocking of Gilling West, this time for Mill Lake. We stocked 240+ rainbow and blue trout up to 6lb+. All cracking quality fish, all swam away strongly.
Click on an image below to show a larger version.
Gilling West Stocking (Cow Pasture Lake).
25th January 2017
Monday's (23rd January) stocking was the first of a four year program to refresh stocks in Cow Pasture Lake, we stocked 500 Roach – between 5 – 8
inches, 50 Crucians 6 – 8 inches, 100lb of mixed Carp, 30 Tench of mixed sizes, around 80 Bream of mixed sizes and a few Chub & Barbel. In
total over 700 fish. We had a good morning cold and sunny with thin ice over the pond which we had to break.
2016 Newsletter.
11th January 2017
Welcome to our annual newsletter where we will endeavour to keep you informed of major happenings and things of interest.
For those of you whom have not provided an email contact address please do so if you have one, this helps enormously with our administration
and expense. Please keep this up to date, it allows us to keep you informed.
Our first year of opening access to Richmond DAC down at Gilling West fishery has proved a big success with the Guys from Richmond enjoying some
good fishing right on their doorstep, in all likelihood this arrangement will continue to benefit both clubs for 2017. It has been agreed to add
further stocks of coarse fish on an annual basis over the next four years, this amounts to approximately £10,000, this is in addition to our annual
stocking of Rainbow Trout into Mill Lake. It is hoped to make inroads into the weed problem in Mill Lake by bringing in contractors same scenario as
ASCOTT fishery at Faceby.
Ascott fishery has proved to be impossible to manage without outside help. The biggest problem of all has been trying to find a means to control the
weed. For the last few years the weed has engulfed all making fishing impossible despite occasional work party efforts. The decision was made this
autumn to bring in contractors which over two periods used 8 ton winches to drag the weed out of the main pond and followed up by raking in Lime to
burn off the roots. This work has now been completed at a cost of £7800, we are pleased to say this lake is now open for fishing. However, there remains
much work to be done rebuilding platforms, repairing car park and access track together with removing brush and scrub which has ran wild, this again
will invoke more contractor costs.
The river at Croft has fished exceptionally well all year and again has benefitted from major efforts by a small group of volunteers treating the Giant
Hogweed. Whilst talking about Giant Hogweed it is worth mentioning that the Tees Rivers Trust has treated around 26 miles of river bank, we all owe these
people a vote of thanks.
Our access to the river Swale at Catterick remains closed until Spring 2017 when the roadwork’s on the A1 are scheduled for completion.
Our other river fisheries thankfully appear problem free and members seem to be enjoying some good catches.
Expenditure in 2016 and expenditure planned for 2017 and beyond requires an increase to our rates and a slight change to our membership format as follows:-
Full membership 18 – 65 = £39 + Atdac £12 = £51
Senior citizens 65+ = £26 + Atdac £6 optional = £32 (or £26 without Atdac)
Ladies 18 – 65 = £26 + Atdac £6 = £32
Juniors to 18 = £12 + Atdac £6 optional = £18 ( or £12 without Atdac )
Subscriptions can be paid via the tackle shops listed in your membership book or by post to the Treasurer D Oxley 34 Bensham Road Darlington DL1 3DG with stamped addressed envelope.
Any change in status for example from junior to senior or senior to senior citizen or change of address can only be renewed by post through the treasurer.
Due to the change in membership demographics with an ever aging core membership we are no longer able to offer automatic life memberships as we have in the past. Members on becoming age 65
will at their next renewal become entitled to pay senior citizen rates. Those already in receipt of life membership cards will continue to enjoy this benefit without any change.
Time, effort and costs in printing and sending of this newsletter can be greatly reduced by sending this mail electronically to all those we hold email addresses for, please help
by sending yours to thornabyangling@outlook.com
Dinner Dance
Again this is to be held at the Swan Hotel Billingham on Saturday 11th February 2017. This promises to be another great event ticket prices are:-
Adults 18 – 65 £18
Over 65 £15
Juniors under 18 £10
Apply for tickets to Mr G Angel 12 Thorngate Wynd Barnard Castle DL12 8PZ enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
Please make cheques payable to Thornaby Angling Association.
To finish off it only remains for me to say thank you to all those that have helped the club over the year in any shape or form, without your help the club would not function.
Finally, have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Tight Lines
G. D. Jeavons
Secretary T.A.A
Poaching incidents.
28th September 2016
We are receiving increasing reports about poaching incidents after the event which is too late to act upon. Will
members that come across any poachers please call the police immediately in the prescribed way (detailed in the
below guide issued by the Angling Trust) - thank you.
A Guide for Anglers Reporting Offences to the Police
September 2016 update.
14th September 2016
Welcome to our brand new website many thanks go to Graham Ellison for his building of this site which we hope you find informative.
Our very first posting is to update you on the situation at Faceby Ponds.
As most of you probably know already, with the demise of effective weed killers these ponds have for the last few years become increasingly
unfishable and have to a great extent been reclaimed by nature. During this time we have had an ever decreasing band of helpers trying to
keep on top of the problems with in honesty little effect. We have tried cutting and raking the weed, spent a considerable amount on boats
and equipment as well as introducing blue dye to inhibit weed growth, whilst at the same time rebuilding some of the platforms which had
rotted. Now we have also acquired a large number of plastic pallets which are both robust and non slip which will not rot. Anyway, to cut
a long story short the decision was made that in order to reclaim the ponds as a fishery we need to employ contractors and a start has been made.
On Monday 15th August we had contractors (+ four willing helpers) on site for four days with 8 ton winches and a huge steel rake dragging
weed from the main pond. We estimate that around 80% of this weed has now been removed and we have hand raked close in (where the mechanical
rake couldn't reach) to give access to open water on 6 pegs, with rakes left on site for anybody who wishes to rake further. The same
contractors are due back in October for a couple of days to rake in Lime which has the effect of burning off the weed roots. When used in
conjunction with the Blue Dye we are told this should do the trick, so fingers crossed.
There is still much more work to be done, reinstating car park, repairing access track, building platforms and generally cutting out masses
of scrub and unwanted trees, for which we will appoint contractors in due course. The aim is to try and bring this fishery back into full use.
After a few days we did have a sample fish to see what species remain, we found lots of Rudd & Roach as you can see from the picture below.

Hopefully there are still a few of the larger species still around. Please have a go and let us know how you get on Tight lines. - Graham Jeavons.