Match Result

Derek A. Lea Memorial 17th June 2018

Attendance: 46 (38 weighed in, total 225lb 12oz.)

Position Name Weight Peg Species Caught
1st Michael Granger. 15lb 9oz 23 Dace, Perch
2nd Richie Newton 15lb 30 Dace
3rd Ste Chantry 10lb 14oz 46 Dace
4th Kenny Ovenden 9lb 14oz ? Dace
5th Kerry McCarthy 9lb 11oz 63,64 2 Chub, 2 Perch.

Section winners.

Section Name Weight Peg Species Caught
1-11 Mike Sweeny 7lb 4oz 2 -
12-27 Johnathan Yardley 8lb 14oz 20 -
28-43 John Hay 7lb 10oz 39 -
45-61 Michael Broadley 8lb 12oz 53 -
62-84 Dave McCarthy 9lb 9oz 69 -

Match Conditions

River low and clear. Windy, cloudy with sunny intervals.