Match Result

Annual Cup 9th July 2017

Attendance: 42 (33 weighed in, total 260lb 7oz.)

Position Name Weight Peg Species Caught
1st Jim Johnson 16lb 14oz 43 5 Chub, Dace, Grayling.
2nd Ste Bell 15lb 10oz 69 3 Chub, Dace, Chublets.
3rd= Graham Ellison 15lb 2oz 1 Dace, Grayling, Trout, Perch
3rd= Michael Granger 15lb 2oz 4 Dace, Grayling, Trout
4th Martin Chapman 12lb 6oz 39,40 Dace, Grayling

Section winners.

Section Name Weight Peg Species Caught
1-11 Ron Hopkins 6lb 6oz 8 Dace, Grayling
12-27 Ian Kirton 11lb 2oz 16,17,18 Chublets, Dace, Grayling, Trout
28-41 John Hay 10lb 6oz 28 2 Chub, Perch, Trout
43-59 Rob Stubbs 12lb 5oz 56 Dace, Chublets
60-84 Rob Preston 9lb 5oz 81 Dace, Chublets

Match Conditions

Breezy, sunny day. River carrying an extra 2-3 inches with a tinge of colour.